Elevating Leaders, Teams, and Organizations

Work With Me

Human Resources support for organizations and individuals

Areas of Expertise

Learn more about Sherwood HR Consulting’s areas of expertise below, and when you’re ready to set up a call to talk about how SHRC can take your career, team, or organization to the next level, reach out here.


Facilitation, Training, and Keynote Speeches

One of our strengths is facilitation for in-person and virtual workshops and programs. Topics are broad and include:

  • Supervision, Management, Leadership

  • Professional Ethics

  • Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment, Bystander and Anti-Bullying, Equal Employment Opportunity, and other compliance-related topics

  • Diversity and Inclusion; Multi-generational/Aging; Cultural Competence; Implicit Bias, etc.

  • Customer Service, Telephone/Email Etiquette

  • Communication, Listening, Presentation Skills

  • Stress Management; Work Life Balance

  • Decision Making and Problem-Solving

  • Delegation, On the Job Training, Developing Employees

  • Conflict Styles and Conflict Resolution

  • Teamwork, Team Skills, Collaboration, Trust

  • Emotional and Interpersonal Intelligence, Assertiveness

  • Personal Effectiveness, Time and Self-Management

  • Goal Setting; Establishing Priorities

  • Strategic Planning; Mission, Vision, Values facilitation

  • Giving and Receiving Feedback, Performance Conversations, Coaching and Mentoring

  • Personality Assessments such as DISC, Myers Briggs, Strengthfinders, etc.

Sherwood HR Consulting offers customized Training Curriculum Development and Program Development and Customized Evaluation/Assessment Tools and Techniques.

You will be provided with an organizational analysis, development of objectives and or program charters/vision statements, plans, content and materials development, evaluation tools/reviews/impact studies. We have expertise in:

  • Employee Engagement/Recognition Initiatives

  • Customer Service Campaigns

  • Safety Programs

  • And more!

Kandice Sherwood is a highly-rated presenter and has served as a keynote speaker and break-out session facilitator for many conferences and events.

We guarantee engaging, inspirational and motivational presentations and keynote address for your next conference, teambuilding retreat, or management meeting.



Sherwood HR Consulting can help you make evidenced-based decisions/practices and design and implement creative solutions that meet your business needs. I understand the importance of and have built strong skills in gathering, analyzing, and utilizing data to make meaningful decisions. My relationship building skills help me to partner with and influence senior leadership and other stakeholders in improving business outcomes that strategically align with short and long-term organizational goals.

Examples of services:

  • Research Projects

  • Surveys/Questionnaires, Interviews, Observation, Focus Groups/Facilitated Data Gathering Sessions, Inventories, and/or Documents/Records Reviews

  • Customer Service Surveys

  • Community Outreach and Civic Engagement Activities

  • Crowd Sourcing and Nudging Activities

  • Employee Engagement, Attitude, Opinion Surveys, etc.

  • Data-set Design, Trend Analysis, and Predictive Analytics 


Using models from the Ash Center for Democratic Governance as a guideline, I can assist you in implementing any predictive analytics project within your organization:

Flow Chart on predictive analytics

Criteria for Problem Ranking:

  • Data Readiness

  • Policy Alignment

  • Operational Impact

  • Resident /Stakeholder Impact

  • Level of Use

  • Potential for Replication

  • Operational Change

Org Development and Team Building

We have a unique understanding of and expertise in Organizational Development (OD) and the factors that promote employee engagement and a positive productive work culture. We know the importance of organizational alignment and we are adept at change management. We use a tried-and-true approach for implementing Organizational Development activities and interventions, which have been recommended by Peter Block, a renowned author and organizational consultant:

  • Entering and Contracting- Matching wants and needs with consultant offerings, gaining agreement

  • Discovery and Dialogue- Includes gathering data, diagnosis, symptom identification

  • Feedback and Decision to Act- Reporting on findings, making recommendations, confirming the plan

  • Engagement and Implementation- Engaging with people, implementation of chosen intervention(s)

  • Extension, Recycle, Termination- Extending the work, agreement ton next steps, project close

To help you maintain your competitive edge, some of the activities and interventions we leverage to assess and improve organizational health are as follows:

  • Systems Thinking Analysis, Creating a Learning Organization

  • Organizational Structure, Organizational/Workplace Planning

  • Employee Engagement Assessments and Organizational Climate and Culture Surveys

  • Problem-Solving Sessions

  • Quality Circles, Focus Groups

  • Team-building, Role Analysis, Role Clarification

  • Survey Feedback

  • Organizational Re-structuring/Design/Re-design, Job Enrichment

  • Process Mapping, Process Consultation, and Process Improvement/Re-design


Talent Acquisition and Workforce Planning

Talent acquisition, retention & workforce management require planning ahead and the navigation of several complex processes.

Stephen Covey once said, “If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.”

Sherwood HR consulting can help you meet your staffing challenges and will make sure your ladder is leaning on the right wall through the following services:

  • Strategic Planning for Talent Alignment:

    • Environmental Scanning and PESTLE Analysis

    • Key Performance Indicators (KPIS)

    • Business and Growth Strategies

  • Workforce Management:

    • Strategic Staffing Plans/Activities

    • Supply, Demand, and Gap Analysis Techniques

    • Competency Model Development

  • Talent Acquisition:

    • Executive and General Recruitment and Selection Service

      • Identifying Competencies

      • Developing Selection Methods

      • Sourcing High Potential Candidates

      • Marketing/Social Media Campaigns

      • Assessment Processes

      • Job Offers/Negotiations

      • Background Investigations

      • After Action Reviews

  • Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Development and Branding

    • EVP Statement Development

    • Social Media

      • Metrics

      • Benchmarking

      • Touchpoint Mapping

  • Talent Acquisition Tools

    • Assessment Centers

    • Simulations

    • Behavioral-based Interview Questions

    • Activity Assessment

    • Metrics

  • Onboarding and Orientation Programs

  • Employee Engagement and Retention Activities:

    • Retention Metrics

    • Recognition Programs

    • Organization Culture Development

    • Employee Attitude/Opinion/Engagement Activities and Surveys

  • Succession Planning:

    • Competency Development Plans to Meet Future Needs

    • SWOT and PESTLE Analysis

    • Mentoring and Coaching Programs




Regardless of your goals, true achievement is a result of doing your best to become your best!

Sherwood HR Consulting can help you become your best self through executive coaching, career development planning, skill development coaching, and/or personal learning and growth coaching. I offer a wide range of professional one-on-one and group coaching services, which include in person, phone, and video methodologies.

 My services and activities include:

  • Visioning, Values, Personal Mission, and Purpose Statement Exercises

  • Goal-oriented Sessions and Evaluation Plans

  • Self-help Tools, Templates, Exercises, and Worksheets

  • Skill Development Kits

  • Life Balance and Self-care Kits

  • Managing Across Generations Strategies

  • Gallup Strengthsfinder Assessments

  • 360-degree Feedback Processes

  • Attitude, Motivation, and Personality Assessments

  • Leadership Lab (models, tools, assessments and activities)

  • Resource Library



HR Projects & Interim Positions

As an interim or project lead, with over 20 years of experience working in various HR functions and organizational levels, I can step-up and assume various managerial and leadership roles to maintain stability, provide support, focus the team, and get things going during critical staffing changes and/or organizational challenges. Examples of project based assignments include:

  • Policies and Procedures and Personnel Rules Revisions

  • Continuity of Operations Plans

  • Technology Evaluation and Implementation

  • Risk Management

    o   Facilitation of Collaborative Organizational Risk Assessments; Development of Risk Philosophy and Profiles, Alignment Guides, Matrices, Logs, etc.

  • Recruitment Projects

  • Job Analysis

  • Classification and Compensation Studies

  • Remuneration Studies

  • Job Descriptions

  • Benchmarking Recruitment Best Practices

  • Employment Test Development

  • Total Rewards Programs

  • Onboarding Programs

  • Succession Planning

  • Leadership, Management, and Supervisory Academies and Programs

  • Customer Service Campaigns 

  •  ADA Interactive Process/Workplace Accommodations

  • Investigations

  • Performance Management

    o  Performance Standards

    o  Program Development

    o  Automation